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Software Advice Reviews of ConsignPro

Wanted to extend a BIG THANK YOU for helping out Darrel as he restored my hard drive after a virus.  I was so afraid I had lost everything in ConsignPro!!  You can bet that I will keep up my back ups religiously now! Thanks for your help and for this great program with all it's built in safe guards!!!   I am back working with my program after only one day and it's as good as new!   Thanks again.

Donna Messick

I was so impressed with the way you responded quickly and then quickly talked me through my barcoding. I just wanted to let you know that you are very appreciated. Thanks.

Linda Allen

Thanks. My son figured out the correct path. We re-booted and 'voila' I'm back in business. I even made a sale and the program worked like a charm. All my employees find the program easy to learn and operate. They said to say 'thanks' as well!

Dorothy Untershutz

I just wanted to say I am so pleased with ConsignPro up to this point. We had left unlocking the computer until after hour on Friday and we had left several msgs. We rec'd a msg from them to call them on Monday, and I couldn't believe today we received a phone call down at the shop from Brian Wilson. He was so gracious and provided us with information and also unlocked out software for us so we could continue to add our store inventory. We had already used up our demo space. We were also surprised that all the information we had entered on the demo had been saved and we were able to continue on where we had left off.

So, I must say Brian Wilson was a life saver and we were able to get a lot of work done today that would of had to wait otherwise until Monday.

Sheryl Wesner

You are doing better than I am! I called all the "major" and "minor" companies that sell any consignment related software I have heard of. Only Brian sent me a demo immediately. My accountant and my husband (not the same person lol) both nagged at me to try another program before I bought something that expensive. So I called all the other people AGAIN! I did finally get a Consign EZ diskette but none of the others has ever arrived. I am going with ConsignPro. I don't really care if I would like the others or not. I don't care if they are cheaper. I care that when I have a problem and need assistance, someone will respond and so far Brian has far outpaced them all!

Tracy Poole

I use ConsignPro, very easy to use and I think you get what you pay for. The price might be a little higher but it is a good software. I am very pleased with it.

Judy Hudson

When I first started thinking of going to computer, I had a conversation with Brian. He rubbed me the wrong way, we had couple words on this board and I bought Consign EZ for under a hundred dollars. (MISTAKE)

I talked to Brian AGAIN and bought his software AND a network copy. I was very new with computers and he was VERY patient and helpful.  I am VERY pleased with my decision and Brian has EARNED my respect as a business man. Plus, the software is great and he is always updating it to make it better.

Sorry, but I don't think you are going to find too many that have bought the software or dealt with Brian that is unhappy in the LONG RUN.

Mary Derung

The Gypsy Trader now uses ConsignPro and loves it. I bought the Gypsy Trader this past summer so I’m new to the whole business. It used a manual system.  About the first thing I did was to install ConsignPro.   Works great! Can’t imagine not using it.  We ran a dual system for about 90 days before 95+% of existing inventory was gone and all new inventory was entered.   Just about everything concerning sales, inventory and consignors are immediately available.

Well, I could go on like a commercial but....

Greg Baker

Go Brian! I'm glad to see you will be giving us an alternative to [that other resale website]. We love our ConsignPro and didn't want to give it up to go online.

We also have been very, very pleased with the support we receive from Brian, not that we need it often. Brian is always wonderful about updating the program when you want a new feature. I was leary about computerizing our system when we opened 3 years ago (we didn't for the first 6 months) because of the nightmare a friend of ours was having when she computerized a shop she bought (I don't know how many times the software has been bought and she has had to dish out additional money to "update" to the new owners and how many times she had major problems with the system and seemed to get no support.

We have had NO PROBLEMS with ConsignPro!!! Good luck to everybody who chooses to go online ....

Mark me as one of the happiest software owners on the market - yes it is ConsignPro. If only all of our other business contacts could perform as well as ConsignPro and give the customer service that Brian does.


My shop is the shop Brian did the CB [Consignment Boutique] to ConsignPro conversion last month. It really did go without a hitch. This switch from CB was made after LOTS of careful thought and hand wringing on my part..Michael {her husband} was much more confident! My CB program was only purchased 1 yr ago but I anticipated lots of future problems in dealing with ResaleWorld.

In the last couple of weeks we've just about mastered ConsignPro, and Brian has been available for the few times we've had questions. Even the first day of using the new program everything ran smoothly and efficiently.

We are EXTREMELY happy customers. The customer service provided by Brian has been exemplary. I have never met Brian, do not work for ConsignPro, and we have not received any special treatment. We are simply happy customers who feel that we have received a quality product for our hard earned money...a rarity in this day and age!   Please feel free to email mepersonally  with any questions.

Linda Weinstein

Thanks for the wonderful system. You can't believe how much easier you have made our lives here at Creative Consignment. We are invoicing 60 to 120 items per day and your system has helped do this for us and still give us time to maintain our store. You're the best!

Thank you also for the support you gave us as we were setting up the system. One always wonders how much support you will actually get when you are offered "tech support". You always answered our questions right away, even when I had to call you about my printer 4 times in one afternoon.

Nancy Rolfes

We use ConsignPro - I agree with Bob. Brian has been invaluable to us. WE were previous SIMS users for many years and they went out of business, so we had NO support. We have been able to switch over to ConsignPro (5000+ consignors) and will soon shut down the Old system.

Cheryl Corbett

Hi, I have two stores. In #1 I use Liberty (ResaleWorld) and the new store I use ConsignPro. I like features of both; however, when it gets down to the nitty gritty, it is service and response that really matters.

I have used Liberty since 1993 or 1994 and have yet to get help from their tech staff that was useful, although they charged me an arm and a leg for it.

Brian at ConsignPro not only has provided immediate help but has offered and has written changes to the program specifically for me. I recommend ConsignPro.

Bob Keefe

I just opened my store 2 weeks ago and I use ConsignPro - I love it!! I demo'ed a lot of them before I decided to go with ConsignPro. It is simple and easy to use, yet does everything I need it to do.

One of the main reasons though, is the flexibility of printing tags. I use an ink-jet printer, but you can use almost any printer with this program. With other software programs, I found I was very limited.

Regina Ingram

Thanks for your reply concerning ConsignPro software and the Y2K issue... Thanks in advance for your reply.   Victor Bray.

P.S.  So far this is the best and easiest to use program we have seen.  We are happy to have purchased a copy from you and your company.

Arlene Bray

Leigh Ann, you will get as many recommendations for software as there are software companies. You should decide what features each software offers and which you feel you need for your store. Also other issues that may be important to you are the cost, how easy the program is to use, and the technical support you will get from the software company.

For us the answer was ConsignPro and we have never regretted it. We bought our software about 3 years ago when ConsignPro was just getting started and as our store has grown and we have wanted additional features in the software - ConsignPro has always been one step ahead of us in updating the software.

On the rare occasions when we have had questions or experienced difficulty Brian has always quickly responded to our needs and has been able to talk us through the problems as if he was sitting next to us.


I have used Liberty for DOS since 1993, the program itself is fine-it's the customer support and the people behind the program that are the problem! If I were to do it all over again, without a doubt I would go with ConsignPro!

I just got back from the convention in Denver and spoke with Brian there, he's the best-friendly & knowledgeable. Another conference attendee told me that Brian originally designed this program for his mother who herself owns a consignment store. I would think that this gives Brian some real insight into the workings of a consignment store.

I also saw the program in operation, and it has all the features anyone could possibly want. The people at Liberty-both in Denver and in the years past-have been very standoffish & arrogant with me. To my knowledge, nobody on this [message] board has ever had a bad thing to report about Brian & ConsignPro-can't say the same about Liberty! Whichever way you decide to go, best of luck to you!!


Just had to say how much I love ConsignPro!!! I have a life now! I love the business but this program allows me a lot of extra time I didn't have before!  Just did my first upgrade and its even better than before...didn't think that would be possible but its great! Thanks Brian! Your Wonderful!!!!


I am so excited about this program that I can't even spell!!! Fingers working out of sink with the brain sometimes!

Tammy Whitaker

We were among some of the first consignment stores to use ConsignPro starting in 1997. The software is substantially improved since those early days and Brian Wilson has been receptive to suggested improvements over the years....

Dollar for dollar, I don't think you can find a more comprehensive software program to track inventory and sales....As far as the software keeping track of your inventory, it most definitely will accomplish this for you as we use it to inventory all sorts of merchandise including clothing, artwork, furniture, etc.

... again for the price, it is had to beat ConsignPro....In summary, I would not hesitate to recommend ConsignPro to you as it sounds like it would do very well for your application.

David Fletcher

And, again, all your help is greatly appreciated.  Thank you so much for your assistance.  It's good to see that there are still software companies out there that have such good customer service!   I'm not familiar with your various software packages, or even with your company, but I can honestly tell people who ask that you have an excellent customer support department, and I hope that will speak volumes for you. :)  Take care.

Larry Rhodes

I use ConsignPro and opened my store with it about 15 months. It is very easy to use and is constantly being upgraded in response to all the input Brian receives from his customers. Yearly maintenance fee is minimal and you get all the support you need. Never have had to use it, but in case I should ever have to, it is there.

Mariette Clayborne

Thank you for your continued support and constant improvements and updates to this software!!!  Cutie Patutie's could not be the successful, growing store it is today without the help of your software.

I love the new report features that allow for detailed inventory lookup reports to be printed. This new feature makes it much easier to keep track of expired items and then take them down off the shelves!

Three cheers and my biggest thank you for your continued support!!

Cassandra Abramson

I just wanted to thank you for such a great and user-friendly program and EXCELLENT service! I've been open for a month now and your program has been so easy to use that my part time help (who only knows how to use a computer for Ebay) was able to sit down and do sales immediately with no trouble whatsoever. Neither of my non-computer helpers was even intimidated by it. I signed it on for them, walked them through it once, and that's all it took!

Also, when frantically trying to get everything set up on the Sunday before opening, I e-mailed expecting an answer sometime on Monday. Well, I got an answer within the hour and was up and running in no time and ready for Monday morning.

I've implemented several new programs for my husband's business and even one designed specifically for his industry, and I've never had the friendly, competent help that you have given so freely. And knowing you monitor all the lists assures me that if I don't get the right answer from someone else, you're there to make sure I do.

Thank you so much, Brian, and all your friendly crew.

Jane Fredericks

After 5 years in the consignment clothing business, I have always used a consignment program. Although the program I was using was good, I always dreaded calling for support (which was only a couple times per year) because of the unfriendly service I would get. The problem alone was stressful enough, without having to deal with unfriendly support.

When the time came to upgrade recently I decided to compare other software programs for features, and just as important to me, friendly support. I called several current ConsignPro users and receiving nothing but positive feedback. I decided to buy ConsignPro even though I was concerned a smaller company may not "be there" 100% of the time for any questions or problems that might arise.

Several months have gone by now and I am thrilled with the program and the service I get from Brian and ConsignPro. Not only is Brian very responsive and friendly, the program does everything and more than I expected. As most of us are small business owners and pride ourselves in being able to provide more of a personal services to OUR customers, I believe Brian does that for his clients (resale shop owners). I highly recommend ConsignPro for any business needing this type of software.

Vena Holden

Your ConsignPro system has saved our shop!  When we bought our shop from the previous owner a little over a year ago, we were overwhelmed by paper work. EVERYTHING was handwritten!  I searched the web for a program to help us, tried many demos, listened to the experiences of shop owners on other systems, then, went with the best!

We have been using ConsignPro for about 8 months now, and I LOVE IT!  Brian has always been there to help me out with any problems that I have had!  Thank you so much Brian!

Jennifer & Wanda

...I have grown to love this program.   The end of the day is wonderful!!! We should of done the scanning years ago!!   I use to do all inputting by hand 3 to 400 tickets a day.     I'm also balancing  now and not spending 2 hours after we close trying to figure out what I did wrong...

Rebecca Correia

THANKS---I can't wait to get this store open! Your software has made it fun. The comments I have gotten about having a computerized inventory system compared to the other shops in town---is really going to make us a step above the rest. THANKS for your awesome customer service and your enthusiasm!

Tanis Goedert

I want to thank you for everything, you have made running my thrift shop so easy. I have talked to other thrift shops on other military posts and tell them about your program. It's the best on the market and being able to get the technical support anytime is great. Thanks Brian.

Shelia Torongeau

Has anyone told you lately how great you are? If not its long over due...You're the greatest! Now this is why I'm so glad I chose ConsignPro, not only do we have great support for any minor problems (usually not consign pro problem but operator problem) we might have but the upgrades that I've experienced in my short time as a ConsignPro user has been unbelievable! Thanks Brian

Tammy Whitaker

Specifically, I sampled and tested various software packages. as I mentioned, Brian's main competitor [Liberty] uses my company's database engine. but as a professional in the industry, I can tell you that Brian's software wins hands down for ease of use, user interface, configurability.

I didn't even have to read the help file to start working in it. admittedly, it does not have all the features that I want, but Brian has shown a willingness to add in the features that become requested.

Tom Ray

Service above the rest! I was skeptical, but you're definitely on top of it! Before purchasing ConsignPro I sorted through all the different bulleting boards and was impressed with the responses. Brian has time for us, plus taking care of his own customers. I’ve been open for 4-months now, couldn’t imagine doing this business by hand. ConsignPro was the best investment I made. Thanks for the quality customer service, keep up the great work.

Angelita Rivera

Your software has been the best investment that we made when starting out new this past August.  I could not imagine what it would be like without it.  We have experienced the best customer service and support from your business and we love the new additions to the software.

Your software allows us to give our customers what they want most, and that's to feel important.  Allowing them access to their information does this.  I can't wait to see how our new online store works out for us.  I believe we were the first to have ConsignPro in the area and have shared how great you are with other consignment shops in Janesville.

Tanya Kimble

Just thought I'd let everyone know the outcome of my research…

After looking at a half-a-dozen demo's I have decided to purchase ConsignPro software.

Comparing software, I felt that each of the programs offered many time saving features, great reporting options, flexible options to allow for individual consignment store needs. The two factors that really swayed my decision were:

1.  How easy it was to use ConsignPro; after narrowing my search to three programs, I took my oldest staff member and my newest staff member and had each of them perform a number of transactions. They both caught on faster to the layout of ConsignPro and were able to do their "work" with very little instruction.

2.  Great customer service and support; I could read and follow along easily with the instruction manual and try things out as I read.  The response time to my PAGES and PAGES of questions and concerns was prompt, friendly, with the utmost consideration for my time, my needs and my pocketbook.  Lots of patience for all of the questions and unending explanations that I asked for.  Ability and willingness to adapt/make adjustments quickly and easily to provide me with what I needed. Ability to convert data from my old software.

Thanks to everyone! Fern

Fern Whitfield

It's about time that I tell everyone how outrageously wonderful you and your software are. I have been using ConsignPro since October 16, 2009.  I was a novice to computers and especially to consignment.  The manual was very easy to read and apply. My updates are simple to install and the support I receive from Brian is fast and sufficient.  At the end of the year when the IRS is knocking at my door all the information that I need is there.  The price is right as compared to all others.  I can't emphasize how grateful I am to Brian and his software but mostly the support I receive. God Bless You

Lee Margosian

Yesterday I recommended ConsignPro to a friend that is opening a new children's resale shop in Bellaire, Children's Collection's,  and she, Yolanda, came upon a negative web site against Brian Wilson and told me about it.   I couldn't believe anyone who had used the ConsignPro program would not be 100% pleased with dealing with this company.

I purchased the program for my store 10 years ago.  I haven't had to call them for help except for 4 or 5 times but I was given immediate attention in a most friendly manner.  Two of the major problems had nothing to do with the program itself because my computers were stolen twice and the staff at Visual Horizons got the new computer reinstalled with ConsignPro and up and running very quickly.  At other times when I had any questions about the function of one of the tools within the program the "friendly" staff treated me with an attentive and professional attitude.   I have seen this company expand  added features of the program over the years that has helped my operations in running my business. 

I am a very satisfied customer of Visual Horizons and I do, and have, recommended this software to many people that have also been very satisfied.  I wish increasing success to Brian Wilson and his staff.  It is good to see and deal with an honest and trustworthy organization such as  this one.

Roxanne Weideman

I just wanted to let you know how much I love Consign Pro. When I contacted you at first, I was uncertain about what software program I really wanted. Well I want to tell you how much I love Consign Pro for my business. It is so easy to operate and to understand. It has made the difference in running my usiness.

 I also have to tell you that Allison is just awesome to work with when I have a problem, she returns your call as soon as possible. She has patience of Job with me and is very professional in the way she handles the tech support. Thank you Brian. Sincerely, Susan @ Glitzy Finds.

Susan Groff

I really like ConsignPro!  I was the manager of a Military Thrift Shop in Wurzburg, Germany when I convinced them to use the program.  We loved it!  They had been using another database program and this was so much easier.

When I moved to Fort Gordon, GA and became the manager, they were doing everything by hand.  And I mean everything from the tickets to posting the sales to writing the checks.  I convinced them to try ConsignPro and it has made everything so much easier!  Not only do the consignors love it because they don't have to write their own tickets anymore but they also get a detailed list of what has sold.  We are saving 2-3 hours a day (2 days a week) with not having to post the sales on each consignor's sheet and another 6-8 hours a month not having to add up the sales and manually write the checks.  We did have a few problems when we first got ConsignPro but that was when Windows Vista first came out but they were a big help in getting us started.  I just had to call support and someone always called me right back.  It is also very easy to transfer our checks into Quickbooks for the bookkeeping part of our business. I would recommend this program to everyone!

Debbie Windhorn

Consign Pro is very user friendly and the staff is quick and patient when answering your questions. I don't think I would have a business without the use of their products. I highly recommend them and their software!

Marisa Smart

ConsignPro is the best investment that we made when starting our business 6 years ago.  I love using it now as much as I did then. We have received the BEST SUPPORT and BEST CUSTOMER SERVICE from ConsignPro.  ConsignPro gives us  what I love the most, PROFESSIONAL SERVICE!

Shirley Porter

After much research for the best consignment software to use when we opened our new store in August Z'Upscale Resale Consignment Boutique in Zionsville, Indiana chose ConsignPro.  We have been very happy with its' ease of use, fully-featured applications and our tech phone support with Allison, in particular.

Joan Carney

I've been using ConsignPro now for over 10 years.  When I purchased the software, it was like hiring a full time person because of the time it saved!  I was tracking everything manually which was tedious, time-consuming and subject to human error. All inventory was entered into ConsignPro and within two days we were ready to rock 'n roll.

What I like most is the accuracy of the system.  It tracks all purchases and matches up sales with goods sold immediately.  We can give consignors up-to-the-minute information regarding account balances, what has sold and for how much! The reports ConsignPro produces makes bookkeeping quick and easy.  Customer support is great.  On the occasional times we have needed support, it was there and solved the issue promptly. ConsignPro is a fast, easy, user-friendly point of sale, tracking and reporting system.  It is a MUST for all consignment shops, from the smallest boutique to multi-chain operations.

Margaret Ann Kerr

I love ConsignPro! The program never lets me down. It saves me time which saves me money and increases my bottom line. Not only does it have all the features I need to keep me organized, it's very easy to use. Customer support is outstanding. My phone calls are returned quickly and I've never had a question they couldn't answer or a problem they couldn't fix on the spot. I wouldn't consider using any other program.

Louise Pirrotta

I really love ConsignPro.  I looked into many different software programs for Consignment stores and ConsignPro was by far the most superior.  It truly helps me run my business more efficiently.  It does everything you need it to do and more to run a consignment store.  There are even things it does that I didn't realize it did.  Balancing my cash drawer nightly, all the different reports I can print to help with what is selling, not selling, my consignor items that sell and don't sell.  It is easy and their Help Desk is always friendly and reliable.

I'm a huge fan and I have told other Consignment store about this program and how much it does for you and your business.

Thank you ConsignPro, From your biggest FAN!

Joni Fields

Prior to opening my consignment shop I researched several companies for easy, affordable software.  There were less expensive software programs, however, I chose ConsignPro because of the quick  and honest response I received.

I also spoke ot other consignees about their software and all agreed that ConsignPro was their favorite it is mine.  The program is easy to use and tech support is excellent.  I love the program and recommend it highly.

Patricia Holland

ConsignPro was the very first consignment store-specific software program that I demoed. In the end, I chose ConsignPro for the ease of the program, which simplifies everything from entering your inventory to making your sale A+++ all the way. I've been in business for 2 weeks now and still LOVE IT! Thanks Brian for creating such user-friendly software that meets consignment store needs!

Ruth del Sol

I have recently opened a Clothing Consignment Shop and purchased the Consign Pro Total Package software system for my store in Feburary. This software is the by far the BEST purchase I have made, so easy to set up and use. It didn't take long at all and I was entering consignors and consignor items. I have a 12 yr old and 15 yr old, they can run the program no problem at all, VERY self explanatory and  user friendly!! Consign Pros customer support gets an A++++ from me, when I did have a question they walked me thru it in a matter of seconds, litteraly, very sharp and know their software!! No MAJOR dilemas but I'll admit I did have a FEW questions. I have zero regrets on this purchase, the best purchase ever made,  prior to purchasing I was a bit nervous but looking back it was foolish of me to worry!! Thanks to Consign Pro my store is organized! oh yeah, the consignors love it too!! I can print them off a list of their items at the touch of a button, how slick is that!!

Shannon Bargman

I opened my consignment shop in December after resigning as General Manager of a hotel in my area.  I had dreamed of opening a consignment shop for several years and started looking at locations and software for a shop.  We did our research on line and liked what we read about consignPro.  I talked with Brian Wilson with ConsignPro and he willing gave me numbers and locations of other users of consignPro.  The ConsignPro users I talked with had only wonderful things to say about ConsignPro. 

The program has made traing employees as well as working with Consignors and customers a wonderful and successful adventure. Technical support has been there when it was needed, even though I had very few problems with ConsignPo.

I would highly recommend consignPro before ever dreaming of opening a consignment shop.  I can only say good things about Brian Wilson.

Rennie Proctor

Just wanted to say that we have been open for 1 week and really love ConsignPro (all that we have figured out so far!).   Sara, Tom & Alyson are terrific and have been very supportive and answered many a question.   We had some computer (hardware and other software) issues at the start (before open) but your team and product has been great.  Thanks for creating such an easy and intuitive program.

Gayle Tuttle

Great, great program!  Support staff second to none.  I am new to the consignment business.  This program is easy to use, and does all the hard work for you. Customer support staff are the nicest people I have ever dealt with.  Their knowledge and support make any problems you have go away fast.

If your on the fence about which program to buy for your business, get this one. You won't be sorry.

Earle Woodworth

Wow!  Just opened up my store in February.  I am sure I only use ConsignPro to 50% of what it's capable of!  Love love love it!  We are now (less than one year) moving our store to a better location!  Customers love how everything is software based and the detailed info we can provide them about what sold for how much!

Charlotte Bruce

ConsignPro is one of the easiest software programs to use for consignment retailers that still has all of the features you need to run your business while keeping track of all of your sales, reports, etc. What I definitely love the most about ConsignPro is the support you receive each and every time you need them. 

I wouldn't choose any other software out there.

Dana Yoachum

Hi Brian, I just want you to know how pleased I am with your program. The two ladies I have dealt with over the last couple of months have been so insightful and professional. They helped me with my recnt purchaces of the Zebra Thermal printer, Cash register and receipt machine. They also got me in contact with the people you refer to for Tags. Their names were Alison and Sarah really helpful, polite and were not in a rush with me. I am also going to go with which Alison is going to set up for me on Tuesday. I have been closed since December 12th due to major renovations YAHOO. Alison help me with the end of the year report and guided me how to save it to a thumb drive.

Brian you should be so proud that you have wonderful people working for you and that you designed such a remarkable program. I say Thank-you

Michele Cordick

I just wanted to let you know how much I LOVE the ConsignPro software so far!!! I processed my first lot of consigned items last night and even though I didn't watch the videos or read the book, it was so easy to figure out. I did have to call support to help get the Zebra printer set up, but she was wonderful and helped me upgrade and change a few settings!! I'm going to spend more time this weekend customizing and learning more but so far I am extremely pleased with my purchase!! I love the Zebra printer too. I can't wait until the renovation of our building is complete so that I can get everything all set up in the store.

Thank you again for your help through this process and your wonderful demo (which was so good that I didn't really need to read the book or watch the videos!).

I definitely made the right choice with this software!

Tanya Lanser

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